1. Craziest thing I learned/heard this week…
At a time like this, I hear a lot of crazy things, but the one that shook me the most was that doctors have been instructed to list COVID-19 as the “probable” or “presumed” cause of death if they suspect that the patient had the virus EVEN IF THE PATIENT DID NOT TEST POSITIVE FOR THE VIRUS. The exact wording the CDC used in their Alert was… “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate of all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.” (The CDC boldfaced that last part). This is crazy! It will skew the numbers, alter the data, and adversely affect future use of the data to create policy and procedures. It is NOT scientific. Furthermore, the percentage of COVID-19 cases that resulted in death will always be overstated because not everyone who has had the virus will have been tested. According to the CDC’s website, “Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care. They may not need to be tested.” Just know that the numbers that are being reported are NOT accurate.
2. T-shirt I saw, and loved, this week…
A patient was wearing one of those Life is Good t-shirts today with a basic drawing of a glass with liquid in it. There were two simple words beneath it… Half Full. It reminded me that we can look at ANY situation in multiple ways. It also shifted my thinking at that moment to a feeling of gratitude, as there are so many good things we can focus on right now. Here is a pic of that t-shirt. (Thanks Chris J.!)
3. Here for you…
In these crazy times of uncertainty, I want to help create SOME certainty. Thanks to the Department of Homeland Security deeming doctors of chiropractic as essential, we are still seeing patients. We have maintained normal business hours and are taking every precaution that is required and recommended to ensure patient safety. We are still seeing new patients, so please let your family, friends, and neighbors know, as many people are injuring themselves moving furniture, cleaning out garages, doing yardwork, and crawling in attics. They are finding it difficult or impossible to see their primary doctor and are trying to avoid hospitals if at all possible. WE ARE HERE FOR THEM. And to make myself available to you for anything you may have questions about, I want you to have my personal email address. Feel free to reach out with ANY questions, concerns, or anything you may find important to share. I want to thank my staff for remaining committed to caring for our patients and dedicated to the wellbeing of others. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Reach out to me any time. Our office number is 330.405.2751, and my email address is drbizjak@yahoo.com. I will return ALL calls and emails. Stay well!!!