The Indirect Effects

I was having a discussion with an oncologist (a cancer doctor) about alternative forms of medicine outside of the traditional treatments used by almost every doctor and hospital. His response was quite negative, stating that they would not directly affect the cancer. And because of that, they would be a waste of time. The truth…


Cancer is the number two killer in the U.S. This year alone, over two million cases of cancer will be diagnosed, with over six million people dying from the disease. Almost half of all people can expect to get a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime (Yikes!). Cancer rates among younger people are on the rise…

Width Vs. Depth

Like superhero powers, social media can be used for good or for evil. Social media has altered our social interactions and relationships radically and rapidly. And many do not even notice the alterations that have occurred, and are occurring, in how we are functioning, communicating, and relating with other human beings. A lot of attention…


We have become severely dependent on GPS to find our way around these days. As much as I want to criticize our sad dependence on it, it’s a remarkable tool. It’s mind-boggling to think that you can put any address or destination into your phone, hit a button, and instantly have very specific directions to…

Prepping For 2025

Roughly 38% of Americans set New Year’s resolutions. Only 9% end up being successful. And amazingly, one-fourth quit by the end of the first week. So, there are some things to unpack here as 2024 is winding down, and the new year is quickly approaching. Some so-called experts are critical of setting New Year’s resolutions,…