1. Something I will be avoiding in the future…
As we continue to work to limit our exposure to biphenol A (BPA), which is used to make plastics, I just found out that the lining in canned soup is loaded with it. A study showed that one serving of canned soup daily for just 5 days caused a 1,000% increase in urinary BPA. BPA is a known endocrine disruptor, mimicking estrogen, causing a whole host of potential health problems. So… canned soup is one more thing that I will be avoiding. Click the image below to see the Instagram post by @theneurofactory of neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talking about this study.
2. Cool iPhone feature I found this week…
My daughter, Quincy, was in Fukuoka, Japan, two weeks ago for a chemical engineering competition with the OhioMOD biochemistry team from Ohio State. We could see her exact location on our iPhones. As I zoomed out further and further, I got a much better idea of where she was in relation to the rest of the world. (I am not good geographically!). Once zoomed out, I could spin the globe, and see just how far she was from us. The coolest part… as I spun the image, it showed where the line was between daylight and darkness, as it was nighttime when I was looking at it, and daytime in Japan. I took a screen video of me finding her location, zooming out, and spinning that image. I thought it was pretty cool. Check it out below…
3. Post/quote I saw this week that I loved…
“Real food doesn’t have ingredients… real food IS ingredients.”
***Special thanks…***
Our 27th Annual Toys for Tots drive was a HUGE success. Possibly our BEST EVER. Wow! I am so grateful that we have patients that are so generous. Not only did we collect hundreds of toys, but they are great toys. I am always amazed at what groups of people can accomplish when they work together. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For helping us help others this holiday season. Dr. Abood, myself, and our incredible staff are grateful for you.