1. Lyrics I love…
During my senior year at Walsh Jesuit High School, one of our teachers had us lie down in the chapel, close our eyes, and listen closely to the lyrics of Rod Stewart’s Forever Young. (Thanks, Mr. G!) The lyrics are great, and after listening to them this morning, Lana and I decided to send that song to our kids. One thing that we said in that text to the kids was… “Some songs just nail it.” You can listen to that song while reading the lyrics by clicking below. Really listen to it!
2. Product I’m starting to use daily…
Apple cider vinegar has been known to have a lot of health benefits. I had heard patients rave about it over the years and had read about its benefits, but never really used it myself. I will be taking at least 1 tablespoon per day, and possibly up to 1 tablespoon three times per day. You can read more about the benefits of apple cider vinegar online, but benefits include… (1.) Helps manage blood sugar. (2.) Helps with weight loss. (3.) Has been shown to reduce belly fat. (4.) Can help balance cholesterol levels. (5.) Acts as an anti-microbial. A video sent to me by a friend helps explain how apple cider vinegar may be so helpful (Thanks, Dr. Jon Snyder!). And while it goes against some information about the body’s acid/alkaline balance that I had always thought, it makes a lot of sense, and helps explain why this vinegar can have such far-reaching benefits… including positive impact on blood pressure, indigestion, heartburn, bloating, hair, skin, and nails, and may even have a positive impact on cancer. The bottom line… I believe it will be an easy, inexpensive way to positively impact my health. And while Bragg’s has been the most popular brand, and one we have used in the past, we just got what I believe to be the best brand available… Fairchild’s. It’s 100% raw, organic, unfiltered, and undiluted. (www.fairchildsvinegar.com) Click here to watch a 12-minute video explaining how apple cider vinegar helps so many conditions.
3. Quote I love…
“You are what you do, not what say you’ll do.”
-Carl Jung
I feel like I’ve been talking about stuff that I will do a lot more lately than actually doing the stuff. This quote stopped me in my tracks and made me think. It’s time to get doing… and spend less time talking about doing. How about you???